Bunches of White Flowers in Hands by Chungkuk Bae - Full Landscape

Clean Air for All

A breath of fresh air can make all the difference to your state of mind.

Clean, healthy air is critical for our well-being, learning, and quality of life.

That's why Project N95 imagines a future in which everyone can breathe easy.

Why Clean Air?

Racism Is a Pandemic Too Demonstrators Wearing Masks

Unfair systems and policies lead to unfair outcomes.

Discrimination means that Black, Latino, and low-income children are the most likely to be impacted by factors that diminish air quality.

Clean Air For Equity

Person in Nature Looking out over Body of Water at Sunset

Poor air quality leads to serious health problems.

Respiratory illness—asthma, bronchitis, lung disease—as well as heart attacks and even premature death are associated with unhealthy air.

Clean Air For Health

University Graduates in Caps and Gowns Sitting in Crowd at Ceremony

Air quality changes our ability to think and learn.

Students with clean air in their classrooms consistently demonstrate better performance, attendance, and achievement than their peers.

Clean Air For Education

Why Project N95?

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Project N95 has been working to protect the respiratory health of people and communities by finding and providing respirators and high-filtration masks to frontline workers and the general public. Clean air is the reason we exist.

Masks are great at protecting individuals, but as mandates fade away and masking becomes more an individual and less a collective choice, we had a thought: Instead of just blocking the bad air from getting into our faces, what would happen if we started making good air in the spaces we share?

It could make a tremendous difference.

Air quality is one of the most important factors in maintaining our overall health, and not just because it can reduce the spread of airborne illnesses. Our lungs, hearts, and even minds can all benefit from clean air. In turn, healthy bodies make for healthy communities. Clean air will improve our ability to live, learn, and think.

Project N95 — Protect. Prepare. Empower

Project N95 believes that everyone deserves access to the information and resources they need to keep themselves and their communities safe, healthy, and thriving. So we asked the question we’ve been asking since our inception:

How can we help?

Let's Make Clean Air for All a Reality

Clean Air by the Numbers


People have access to cleaner air from donated purifiers


Free air purifiers donated to schools and gathering places

How to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Want cleaner air? It all starts inside.

As outside, or "ambient," air makes its way indoors, it carries bioaerosols and other harmful particulate matter. Bioaerosols are floating microorganisms that stay aloft in the atmosphere. Air also contains harmful chemicals from industrial contaminants and natural disasters such as wildfires.

Even in areas with good outdoor air quality, contaminants can accumulate indoors. In fact, the levels of indoor pollutants can be 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor levels.

How can you make the air cleaner inside? One of the fastest and easiest ways is air purification.

Learn About Indoor Air